The Cult of Armageddon worships cataclysmic wars from the past when destruction was rained upon the world. In Chapter 17, the cult meets at ground zero of the Great Annihilation and we see them worshipping a bomb image, chanting it will happen again. Based on recent events, reference to past use of biologic weapons triggering a deadly pandemic and significantly reducing the world population may be introduced into the storyline. Do you think our world could end up in a catastrophic end of times scenario for billions of people worldwide? What could happen?
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Susan Levoy: In our world today with a worldwide pandemic having over 2 million dead, things that we would never have envisioned give us pause to think yes our world could end in a way we never expected or even comprehend.
Susan James: No, I don’t believe we’ll end up in a cataclysmic world- ending event. Fundamentally the question you’re asking Eden is will fear or love triumph? Because fear, anger, hatred, conformity, rules, rigidity of thinking are all based on fear being the driver of actions. Love is based on compassion, understanding others’ struggles and fears, forgiveness and belief in our commonality and the good that is in all humans. We as a society and a civilization are too evolved to succumb to the domination of fear. In saying this, I think it’s worth pointing out that those of us who think we’re on the ‘right side’ of this schism, this socioeconomic and ethical divide would do well to remember that name calling and disavowing/invalidating of others’ ideology does not enhance peace or open a door to solutions. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what’s happening in the world - a massive spotlight has been shone upon what I would call the darkness (in the U.S. which is representative of the world) and all that is unjust. Which is great! - awareness is the first step towards evolution/righting wrongs. Then actions can be taken towards moving forward in a positive and healing fashion. Martin Luther King Jr said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” I believe there already is far, far more love in the world than hate, but our most difficult task now is to find the humanity in those we consider ‘them’. And it starts with looking into our own hearts, and speaking and acting from a place of love, inclusivity, patience, trust and belief in our fellow man. I believe the ball is our court to respond to this current day challenge. And as Ram Dass said: “The answer is always, work on yourself.”