In addition to writing the screenplay for the feature film , here is an update on prequels, sequels, etc. I've made less progress in this area than I envisioned at the start of the year. I'm about 70 pages into the sequel - "Vision Speak: Awakening" along with a vision/roadmap for where I'm taking this one. If interested, I'd be happy to send you a PDF and would love to get your feedback. You can reach out via this forum or contact form or email.
Perhaps many of you can relate with this bizarre pandemic life we lead now... I find myself scattered, dabbling in a variety of creative initiatives - evolving my photography offerings on pixels, playing with encaustic, word burning and other art forms. Writing in bits and pieces... Taking a short class right now on drawing and watercolour which is not in my wheelhouse but interesting.
FYI, there have been a number of edits/clean-up to the original Vision Speak manuscript based on lessons learned from your feedback during our sessions in early 2021 and in writing the screenplay. These updates are reflected in the version on Amazon. I tried to keep edits to a minimum and the story itself has not changed at all although a couple of minor, unnecessary characters have disappeared..